JoMoCon 2024 Promotional Image

Thank You So Much

This convention doesn't happen without YOU!

JoMoCon 2024 is a Wrap

JoMoCon 2024 has come and gone. We are grateful for our guests, our vendors, our attendees, our event hosts, the venue and their support staff, and the opportunity to raise money for a great local charity.

We'll be running calculations and getting everything updated so we can get The Children's Haven the donation that ALL OF YOU helped raise! We'll report back as soon as that's done.

Check back soon!

A Bit About the Con

JoMoCon is a Joplin, MO based convention for any and all who enjoy anime, gaming, sci-fi, fantasy, and other such passions found in the “nerdverse”. This once-a-year event features everything from games and cosplay to local artists and special guests. The JoMoCon Committee, created this convention to promote local culture and the arts in Joplin, and to use the event proceeds in support of a local charity that positively impacts our community.